Cognitive: | Level of consciousness
- Sensorium
- Attention/Concentration
- Short-term memory
- Processing Speed (slowed thinking)
- Executive function (planning, problem solving, abstract thinking, judgment, insight, abiity to multi-task or respond to multiple stimuli)
- Forgetfulness
Emotional: | Mood swings/lability
- Irritability
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Anger/Irritability
- Apathy
- Temper Outbursts
Behavioral: | Personality changes
- Impulsivity
- Disinhibition
- Inappropriate sexual behavior
- Decreased initiative
- Impatience
- Restlessness
- Immaturity
Physical: | Fatigue
- Sleep disturbance
- Headache
- Visual disturbances
- Balance difficulties
- Dizziness
- Seizures
- Spasticity
- Diminished senses of smell or taste
- Noise sensitivity
- Light sensitivity